2014 – 33: Horn Please

11-14 DP Retention conf Jaipur 013

There is a device on every vehicle which is utilized here in India more than anywhere in the world.

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It’s the horn.

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What follows is a collection of photos spanning nearly a year.

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Horn honking is the unabashed sound of India — 24/7.

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As you can see, it’s encouraged.

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People drive by sound as much as they do sight.

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Drivers have one hand on the wheel and the other on the horn.

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It’s not at all musical, but completely pragmatic.

11-17 Misc 071

Depending on the rhythm, pressure applied and duration, the message delivered varies from, “FYI: I’m over here.” “Inch forward.” “Look out.” “Get out of my way.” Or, “You idiot !!”

11-03 Jaisalmer 012

This simple request has become a work of art in India.  Truck surfaces are canvases for the imagination.

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There is no “Department of Horn Blowing” in India with any sort of graphic standard.

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Some trucks come with multiple messages (dipper means low beam).

11-03 Jaisalmer 007

This truck is loaded with messages.  Can you spot them all?

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Bright colors are intermixed with geometric shapes to communicate with style.

11-03 Jaisalmer 024

Finding enough space on the road for everyone is a perpetual challenge.

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There is a quasi, communal sense on the road, however the general rule of thumb is, “The bigger you are, the more right of way you have.”

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This wagon load of straw could certainly benefit from a “Horn Please” sign.

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Somehow, with a forward-only vision, he finds his way.

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Sometimes the message is obscured…

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… but it works.

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Not every “vehicle” is equipped with a horn.

11-24 blow horn 001

Cargo can be human.

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With so many trucks already encouraging horn usage, others opt to promote nationalism.

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India is filled with these rolling truck billboards offering a variety of messages. It’s truly a unique touch that helps make India, India.

08-22 birthday 012

Bonus photo: It’s Bharti’s birthday on Sunday, which makes me only one day older. Enjoy your week. ts

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